How to Shop Ethically for Clothing

How to Shop Ethically for Clothing

Many of us spend time thinking about where our food or household energy comes from, but how many of us take the time to think about our clothes? Knowing where our clothing is made and the products it is made from is important, and choosing ethically can make a positive contribution to the world. If choosing ethically made clothing is a concern for you, follow these steps.


Choose environmentally-friendly fabrics. Though cotton is a natural product, it comprises over 22% of all the insecticides used around the world each year. Petroleum based fabrics like polyester also cause environmental problems globally. Opt instead for natural fabrics like hemp, linen, silk or wool that cause little harm in production and processing, or organic cottons that have been produced without chemicals.


Know how the clothing is assembled. Research to make sure your clothing is not produced in sweatshops or through child labor. Many worldwide organizations keep track of business practices and provide useful information on clothing production.


Buy locally produced clothing. If possible, choose clothing that has had to travel the least distance from the manufacturer to the store.
costs will often reflect in the price, as the cost of fuel is reduced. This also means less of a carbon footprint.


Purchase Fair Trade clothing as much as possible. Fair Trade means that the goods you are buying have been purchased from individuals or co-operative groups at a fair and equitable price. More often than not, these individuals and groups are self-employed, living and working in emerging countries.

Tips & Warnings

Spend time reconsidering your needs. Build a small, staple wardrobe of good quality, ethically produced clothing that will last more than one season.

Choose stylish items that you'll wear for a long time and can possibly pass on to others.

Some ethically made clothing can be tough on the budget. Look for sales at your favorite shop and build your wardrobe slowly.